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Dragon Boat Festivals are a good source of revenue for community groups and charities. The demographics of dragon boating lend itself well to raising funds. Developing a dragon boat event with the goal of providing a positive fundraising legacy in the community is what FMG Dragon Boat feels it is all about. "FMG Dragon Boat feels dragon boat festival are the catalyst to driving increased fundraising opportunities for community charities. Developing a dragon boat event that adds to the broader community through charitable fundraising is what dragon boating is all about" A Dragon Boat Pledge Program provides dragon boat teams with the opportunity to raise funds for community charities. FMG Dragon Boat, through it's consulting service, will provide a complete operational outline showing how to select charities, set up a pledge program, and manage the fundraising opportunities dragon boating presents. Developing a dragon boat event as a fundraising and community development initiative far out weighs developing the event as a sporting activity. The benefits to the community and charities are far greater when a dragon boat event is properly developed towards providing maximum community benefit. FMG Dragon Boat will work with clients to properly focus a dragon boat event to fulfill community and client fundraising goals. Current community charity partnerships Manitoba